All Press Releases for February 03, 2016

McKenzie Holland's Guide to Building Brand Authority using Influencer Marketing

Experts in personalised marketing McKenzie Holland release their beginners guide to influencer marketing and how it can be used to build brand authority.

    MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA, February 03, 2016 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Influencer marketing is a form of marketing which helps brands to build a relationship with and tap into the audience of influential individuals within their specific sector, allowing them to strengthen their message, similar to an endorsement on a small level. Melbourne-based marketing experts, McKenzie Holland believes that with the rise of social media, more and more brands will turn to influencer marketing to try and compete with the "big boys". How does it work?

About McKenzie Holland:

A high profile example would be the deal that Nike and H&M has with David Beckham. Most retail firms can only dream of signing a marketing deal with someone of David Beckham's fame, however through sites such as Instagram and Twitter, brands can utilise influencer marketing. While those people may not be professional athletes, or have the ability to reach millions of people; instead of spending millions on one mega celebrity, a smaller firm can spend a few thousand on lesser known individuals who have built a strong following with highly targeted people, to yield the similar results.

McKenzie Holland practice influencer marketing through face-to-face promotions, and here the firm outline their 5 steps to implementing a successful influencer marketing campaign to build brand authority.

1. Utilise your own audience first:

The influencer campaigns that generate the best results are powered by influencers who have already formed an attachment to the brand. Utilising these existing influencers and activating them for the campaign will return quality results over selecting someone with a huge following who isn't invested or is only looking to make money.

2. Consider the goals:

The goals for the campaign have to be considered before deciding the scale of the campaign. A decision has to be made on either working with a few influencers or many micro influencers. Different campaigns will require different influencer breakdowns, but the real deciding factor is reach and influence.

3. Quality over quantity:

Picking an individual with a big following doesn't guarantee success. To get the best results from an influencer, it is important to understand their audience, particularly how active and engaged they are. An influencer with a hundred thousand followers with high engagement is much more beneficial that an influencer with 1 million followers that show little interest.

4. Encourage influencers to share authentic content:

Rather than telling the selected influencers what to share, allow them to do it themselves. This will make the content more natural and authentic and therefore most likely to be received well.

5. Engage with your campaign:

Don't leave all the work to the influencer. By engaging with the campaign, this will help the influencer continue to build his or her audience, but also, most importantly, it shows support and can help to solidify another opportunity for a future campaign.

McKenzie Holland acquire customers for their clients through face-to-face consumer interaction. Through specialised promotions, presentations and events, McKenzie Holland get to know each customer one-on-one which helps them to gain a full understanding of their needs and requirements. Then, working with their clients the firm are able to deliver a service or product that perfectly suits each individual customer's needs. This personalised approach means that they are able to raise their clients' brand awareness, customer acquisition and retention, helping them to grow and expand throughout Australia and beyond.

McKenzie Holland is a fast growing outsourced sales and marketing firm based in Melbourne. The firm help businesses in a variety of industries to increase their market share and raise their brand awareness. They keep their finger on the pulse to ensure that they stay ahead of the trend and are able to consistently achieve the best results for their clients. The firm embraces change, and are always reviewing their marketing techniques to stay ahead of the competition.


McKenzie Holland create, execute and manage direct marketing campaigns that take products straight to the target demographic, generating impressive sales and promoting brand loyalty.

Follow @McKenzieHollan on Twitter, or 'Like' them on Facebook.

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Contact Information

Joe Parrish
McKenzie Holland
Melbourne, Victoria
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