All Press Releases for August 24, 2022

Soaring Deaths From All Causes Is Due To The Experimental Shot Says Richard Ruhling, MD

Dr. Richard Ruhling taught Health Science at Loma Linda University. He is an expert on Bible prophecy. His latest ebook, Megaquake 2023 will be available at no charge on August 26, 2022.

    WILMINGTON, NC, August 24, 2022 /24-7PressRelease/ -- "Soaring excess deaths gripping Britain is only tip of the iceberg," said The Telegraph on 8-18-22. Dr. Ruhling cites 1,000 excess deaths per week for 14 of the last 15 weeks, not blamed on Covid, but 97% of Covid deaths were fully vaccinated and 46% were triple vaccinated.

Similar data from Israel shows their ICU's were filled with people who were 90% vaccinated. Deaths from all causes is well-supported by the FDA warning posted on page 16 of the FDA Safety Surveillance of Covid-19 Vaccines - . "But after Biden gave the media $1 Billion to promote the shot, who sees it?" asks Richard Ruhling, MD, MPH who was board-certified in Internal Medicine before teaching Health Science at Loma Linda University.

The American' Heart Association's journal for cardiologists reflects concern: "We conclude that the mRNA vaccines dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination." Stephen Gundry, MD, Circulation (November 16, 2021 Vol 144, Issue Suppl_1)

A current example shows nearly half of pregnant women who got the shot also had miscarriages,

With 1000+ athletes dropping dead on the field, it's a mystery unless we ask, "Did they get the shot?" This is information painfully lacking in most media reports of so many deaths.

Seeking to solve mysteries, it is noteworthy that the best-selling book of all times reveals that pharmakeia (the Greek word in Revelation 18:23) "deceives all nations." The word "physicians" has a negative context in all five references, and Daniel was wise to opt out of government healthcare. Those warnings from 2000 years ago might help us to see the "authorities" have been wrong on issues like lock-downs, that reversed the biblical quarantine of isolating the infectious sick people.

Ruhling offers further insights in a new book, MegaQuake 2023 that readers can get free on Friday, August 26 on Amazon at Ruhling claims the Bible supports excess deaths as a sign of impending calamity. Readers can hear his CBS radio interview posted on YouTube at

The free copy is to encourage honest reviews from those who download the book and who may be willing to share what they liked.

Dr. Ruhling is available for speaking engagements and media interviews and can be reached by using the contact information below or by email at [email protected]. More information is available at his website at

About Dr. Richard Ruhling:

Dr. Ruhling graduated from Loma Linda University medical school and planning for overseas work, took a Masters Degree in Public Health. After Internal Medicine training and board certification, he also had a Cardiology Fellowship before teaching at Loma Linda's School of Public Health. Attending a cardiology convention, he heard Pritikin reporting how a low fat, low cholesterol diet reversed heart disease and got 85% of patients off their drugs for diabetes and blood pressure.

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Contact Information

Richard Ruhling
Dr. Richard Ruhling
Wilmington, NC
Voice: 910-842-9248
E-Mail: Email Us Here
Website: Visit Our Website