1211 total news stories found.
2019-05-06 | Mandatory testing of fatal crash drivers a national priority. "Probable Cause" used as an excuse for not testing must no longer be allowed. Join our NATIONAL COALITION! madtests.com. Mandatory Alcohol/Drug testing of all fatal crash driver.
2019-05-03 | Waste Industry Company Expanded to Include Metal Fabrication, Assembly and Custom Engineering
2019-05-03 | Invaluable Insight and Experience Now Added to Impact Team
2019-04-25 | Florida's State Parks need to be fully funded for both environmental and economic reasons
2019-03-27 | Inadequate funding could have devastating impact on both economic returns and the environment
2019-03-25 | Julia Gill Woodward is Foundation's new Chief Executive Officer
2019-03-25 | Just released data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Agency (NHTSA) shows 67% of all fatal crash drivers were not drug tested and 59% not tested for DUI, For fatally injured drivers, 46% were not tested for drugs and 38% not tested for DUI.
2019-03-20 | Industry leaders at f-cell+HFC Impulse Summit to showcase Canada's competitive advantage in clean hydrogen and fuel cell solutions
2019-03-05 | The Issues Spurring Discussion, Stakeholder Stances and Possible Resolutions on the 340B Drug Pricing Program
2019-02-12 | Pacific Mayor Leanne Guier and 12 other mayors, councilmembers and a city manager elected to lead the Board of Directors of the Sound Cities Association, which provides a regional voice for more than one million people in King County, Washington.
2019-02-07 | Acquisition enables launch of Blue Badge Program for job seekers and small businesses, with incentives ranging between $2,400 and $9,600.
2019-01-29 | Economic & Health Policy Implications
2019-01-13 | Fort Lauderdale Foreclosure Defense Attorneys look to ease the government employees affected by the current shutdown by helping them with their foreclosure and housing needs, and deferring payment for such services until they return to work.
2018-12-18 | The Kelleher Firm founding attorney has 30+ years of civil jury trial experience
2018-12-11 | The marijuana presence is still less than alcohol at 0.08 BAC (which is at 27%), however, marijuana presence is up 41% in last 5 years. This is based on the 2017 NHTSA data of 17,326 drivers in fatal crashes with valid drug test performed.
2018-12-11 | Serving Bridgeport, New Haven, Waterbury, Stamford, and nearby areas of Connecticut
2018-12-11 | Philadelphia personal injury attorney Steven G. Wigrizer said that the investments show a willingness to address some of the city's most pressing problems.
2018-12-01 | John Tucker of Kaplan Lawyers PC said that lawmakers can make our roads safer by mandating safer technologies on large trucks.
2018-11-27 | Medicare's six protected classes policy guarantees access to treatments for Medicare patients with the most complex conditions, including cancer, mental health conditions, epilepsy, Parkinson's, HIV/AIDS, and organ transplants.
2018-11-09 | While Los Angeles has its share of Hollywood celebrities on red carpets and Tesla Rockets overhead, the real stars who outshone it all were innovators like Jeffrey Deskovic, Amy Ralston Povah, Michelle Malkin, Patty Lopez, Bill Bastuk and more.